Key Customers across the product range over the 43 year history include but not limited to:

Rosond and Master Drilling:

  • SCE has designed, manufactured and supplied Reverse Circulation Drilling Rigs into their fleet. SCE has also provided support with spares, consumables and after sale service.

FQM (First Quantum Minerals Mauritania):

  • SCE has designed, manufactured and supported reverse circulation drill rigs into their fleet for Grade control and supplying them with spares and consumables and consumables during the operational phase of their production


  • SCE is the incumbent 5 year contract provider for Aerial Platforms, Drilling Rigs and Truck Mounted Cranes. Have supplied and are maintaining over 400 units currently in their fleet.


  • SCE has won the back to back contracts for the 3 successive contracts and have designed, manufactured and supported 72 units deployed.


  • SCE has deployed and maintained 49 Oil & Steel Aerial Platforms and Drilling Rigs


  • SCE won the last 2 contracts for the supply and maintenance of 27 Oil & Steel Aerial Platforms

Mogale City:

  • SCE has deployed and maintained 17 of the locally designed, manufactured and supported Aerial Platforms


SCE is aggressively pursuing the African growth strategy and have deployed several Aerial Platforms, Drilling Rigs and Truck Mounted Cranes to various countries